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Magnetic Island

Zero Waste Magnetic Island's aim is to reduce the island's waste by making it easy, appealing and fun to recycle, reduce and reuse - and we invite you to join us.
Help support us 10c at a time

Our Return-It Pod code is C10196546

Simply drop off your 10c containers to the Return-IT pod at the end of Mandalay end of Bottiger Street in Nelly Bay (behind the school) and use the above code to support Zero Waste Magnetic Island.  We really appreciate your support!

Starting 1st July 2023

Nelly Bay - Tue & Thurs 10:00am to 11:30am

Horseshoe Bay - Tue & Thurs 12:30pm to 1:30pm

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We've got some great ideas and projects to get us to a sustainable and zero waste island. Everyone can make a difference, even if it's just one little step - it will be one in the right direction.

What are the 7Rs?

By rethinking and being mindful of our consumption and waste, and by working with the '7Rs' theory, we can become a zero waste island:
1. Refuse. 2. Reduce. 3. Recover. 4. Recycle. 5. Reuse. 6. Repair. 7. Regift.

'Little Things Matter' Video

Zero Waste Magnetic Island's video 'Little Things Matter' was launched on Tuesday 28 April 2020. Molly Black and the 2019 C & K Magnetic Island Early Childhood Centre students show us how easy it is to reduce waste and to recycle. Visit our YouTube channel to see the video.
Need A Hand?
Would you like to help, but you're not sure what to do? We can take you through step by step, and even if you take one or two, that’s a great start!
Contact us today for a chat.
War on Waste
Australia is facing a War on Waste and it’s happening in our homes, in our schools, in our streets and in our oceans. Watch clips from the ABC documentary War on Waste presented by Craig Reucassel to inspire you to solve one of the waste problems in Australia.

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Magnetic Island, the Wulgurukaba People and their Elders, past, present and emerging. We strive to work with Magnetic Island’s Traditional Owners at every opportunity.

TCC Virtual Tours On Waste
You can now take a virtual tour around Townsville City Council's Sustainability and Waste Tours. (Scroll down their page to find the Magnetic Island Transfer Station Tour).
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